Children Qur'ān Memorisation (Hifẓ) Programme

Memorise the entire Noble Qur'ān from qualified teachers

The Qur’ān Memorisation (Hifẓ) Programme is a supervised and systematic approach to commiting the entirety of the Qur’ān to memory. This programme constitutes one-on-one reading with a Qārī. There are no set limits on how many āyāt are memorised daily, this will be determined between the student and the instructor on an individual basis. Students will be evaluated at set points in the year and milestones set to monitor progress.

Students will be required to have:

  • Fluency in reading from the Muṣḥaf;
  • Ages 12 – 18, and;
  • Attend 4 days a week, Monday – Thursday:
    • Group 1: 5-6pm
    • Group 2: 6-7pm

To teach students how to memorise the whole Qur’ān with Tajwīd and to act and behave accordingly to the Qur’ān. Students will also aim to develop an understanding of the Qur’ān, learn the etiquettes and characteristics of a hafiẓh of the Qur’ān, and know the importance of preserving it.

At the end of the programme participants should be able to:

  • Develop a strong memorisation process.
  • Develop an effective revision habit.
  • Learn methods and practise an attention to detail to reduce mistakes in recitation.
  • Adapt correct pronunciation and joining letters and words.
  • Memorise a significant portion of the Noble Qur’ān.

Please note: The programme may continue as long as the student wishes to attend; students may continue until they have completed the entire Muṣḥaf.

Upon completion of the Qur’ān Memorisation Programme, if a student has completed the entire Muṣḥaf, a graduation ceremony will be held and the student will be presented with a certificate of completion.

Term Dates 2024-25

Autumn Term 2024

Term Starts: Monday 2nd September
Term Ends: Friday 20th December 2024
Winter Holiday: 23rd December – 6th January

Spring Term 2025

Term Starts: Monday 6th January 2025
Term Ends: Friday 29th February 2025
Ramaḍān Holiday: 2nd March – 8th April

Summer Term 2025

Term Starts: Monday 8th April 2025
Term Ends: Friday 11th July 2025
Break for ‘Īdu-l Aḍḥā: 13th – 19th May


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The programme fee allows us to pay the teacher as well as funding any materials or stationary purchases/replacements.

If approved, we will issue a payment link to you prior to your child’s first session. We take payments via Stripe Link which has a fee attachment of 1.2% + 20p. Please see a breakdown below:

Monthly fee: £40.00
Stripe transaction fee: £0.68
Monthly total: £40.68*

*Your payments will begin on the day you submit your first payment and will be taken automatically on a monthly basis thereafter.

Programme fee payments are handled via Stripe Subscriptions. If you miss a payment, Stripe will:

  • Notify you that a payment has failed;
  • Collect new payment information if necessary; and,
  • Update the default payment method on the subscription if new payment information has been supplied.

If a payment fails for any reason, the payment will enter a holding status for up to 3 weeks during which the processor will attempt to complete the payment up to 4 times. If the required conditions are not satisfied to complete the payment then the status will be set to ‘overdue’ and the subscription will continue.

A volunteer will then contact you directly to enquire after the missed payment.

The programme fee is designed to incorporate holidays so that we don’t need to ask you to subscribe again at a later date. Your payments will continue until your child either graduates, or you decide to cancel at any time.

Yes, we can take on students at any time in the year. Please note that when joining mid-term, the teacher will assess the student and decide where in the programme they will begin from.

Yes, please ensure that all students adhere to our dress code:

  • Please wear a Thobe/Jubba;
  • Please wear a hat.

‍The centre will provide:

  • A Mushaf: Both Kufi and ‘Uthmani scripts are avaiable;
  • A Rehab to put the Mushaf on;
  • A copy of Ahsanu-l Qawa’id.

Please can all students ensure they bring a notepad and pen to record progress and homework.

Yes, you may cancel your subscription at any time and withdraw your child from his place on the programme. To do this, either speak to the programme teacher or volunteers before or after a session, or drop us a message via our contact form.


Billed monthly at £40.68

About the Instructor

Yahya Fall

Yahya Fall was raised in Leicester for the majority of his life where he completed the memorisation of the Qurʾān in his early 20s. He is pursuing an Ijāzah as well as his role as a volunteer Imam at the LMC.