Alḥamdulillāh, the beginning of the month of Dhul Hijjah has been announced and ‘Eidu-l Aḍḥā will be on Sunday 16th June, In shā Allāh.
Loughborough Muslim Centre will be holding Ṣalātu-l ‘Eid and we encourage everyone to attend the Prayer with the rest of the community.
Ṣalātu-l ‘Eid will be held at 8am In shā Allāh. Please make arrangements for parking as our car park will likely fill up very quickly. For more information, please refer to our contact page.
May Allāh, Jalla Jalāluh, accept all of our good deeds from coming days of extraordinary blessing and virtue, and accept the Ḥajj of all of our brothers and sisters who were able to travel to his house and all those who were prevented.