Assalāmu ‘alaykum waraḥmatullāhi wabarakātuhu.
Alḥamdulillāh after a lengthy process, LMC have managed to finally secure an excellent building in Loughborough for the purposes of a much needed Community Centre. It is situated in the heart of the Muslim community and will be an invaluable central hub, providing:
- Educational/Islamic classes for men, women, young children and elders
- Careers advice
- Youth activities
- Recreational sessions
- Da’wah projects
- Khuṭub (Khuṭbah) of Jumu’ah / Ṣalātul-‘Īd in English
We have secured the building but we urgently require £10,000 to enable us to begin serving the community. This money will cover any additional bills such as energy and internet as well as internal decoration that is required.
View our dedicated appeal page:
Please donate any amount via our donation page: